Saturday, June 7, 2014

It's fun to be random.

Adorable, right?  When Zay went to the monster truck show, Eliza and I made plans to do something fun and she picked roller skating.  Turns out she hated it and spent most of the time crying to take off the skates.  But I got this awesome picture of her, which makes it totally worth it.  She didn't end up liking her huge pretzel either...

This year we've been doing our very own Great Mac & Cheese Hunt.  Every month we find a new restaurant and try out their mac & cheese.  This photo was taken at Justa Pasta.  I did some sewing projects with the kids at Isaiah's preschool and his sweet teachers gave me a gift card to this place--I love trying new spots!

Concentrating hard on the balance bike (and wondering when mom will buy the next size up in jeans so she won't have to wear highwaters anymore).

This photo is from the art show at Isaiah's preschool.
 We had a great time seeing all the art!

Not a great photo, but one of the few I have of Isaiah at preschool.  They're having their snack time outside and Zay kindly let Eliza share his snack & wear his jacket to keep warm.  I volunteered frequently enough that Eliza pretty much thought she was part of the class too.

Anything can become a parking lot.

A few shots from the Portland Children's Museum

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